You Are The Chime

You Are The Chime, Of Liminal Spaces
⌘ALTAR is a Net Art series that I worked on as part of The Current Sea, the creative studio that Sarah Zucker and I founded. The series combines animated GIF, photography, sound and net art to produce a truely unique experience.
Title: You Are The Chime
Media: Internet, Animated GIF, 2-Channel Audio
Artists: Brian Griffith, Sarah Zucker; The Current Sea; Angela Wilson
Media: Internet, Animated GIF, 2-Channel Audio
Artists: Brian Griffith, Sarah Zucker; The Current Sea; Angela Wilson
For You Are the Chime, I collaborated with Ang Wilson on creating sounds that were rhythmic, ethereal and acoustic. We wanted to keep the sounds as organic as possible so that use of percussion, ukulele, flute, singing bowls, bass and voice gave us the sounds we were looking for. Light synth was used sparingly, which tied back into the Net Art imagery.
The musical compositions are designed for and inspired by Internet. Each track is short and inteded to loop continuiously in conjuntion with a particular image. In the case of You Are the Chime, the still images funtion as Play Buttons which trigger the loops, while simultaniously animating the previously-static picture.
View the website at
Best viewed on desk/laptop. Mobile view offers a tailored and unique experience.
The musical compositions are designed for and inspired by Internet. Each track is short and inteded to loop continuiously in conjuntion with a particular image. In the case of You Are the Chime, the still images funtion as Play Buttons which trigger the loops, while simultaniously animating the previously-static picture.
View the website at
Best viewed on desk/laptop. Mobile view offers a tailored and unique experience.

A few images from the website
These are the audio loops from the website; they were composed as a reaction to the animated GIFs.